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Prevailing Leaders Pivot!

The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One

In her book, Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One, author Jennie Blake provides insight on taking smart risks. Although she is a business strategist, she shares key concepts that are not only applicable, but necessary as Prevailing Leaders. Have you ever had the feeling that something is just missing? Or that you are ready for a next step? Or that you have faced adversity and are in dire straights? No matter the situation, your next move is what matters most. We must ask "What Next" every two years because of the acceleration of our profession.

Making an Impact Requires Learning and Growing

In Escaping the School Leader's Dunk Tank, one of the key concepts Dr. Rick Jetter and I discuss is looking for alternatives and opportunities when stagnation or adversity strikes. Shifting your mindset to solutions and sustainability rather than survival will initiate a thriving mindset. This is where your Professional Learning Community becomes so vital. Learning and growing through collaboration, interaction, and people that are smarter than you is a catalyst for exponential growth. As educators we can't wait around for the learning to come to us. The perfect PD experience is never going to come knocking on our doors or fall in our laps. More than ever we must be proactive in our own learning and growth. The best free PD out there is Twitter (and Voxer groups are equally powerful).

"Frentors" rather than Mentors

In her podcast with Matt Bodnar, as featured on The Science of Success Podcast, Jenny shares her strategy using a friend as a mentor. One of the ideological practices in Escaping the School Leader's Dunk Tank is establishing a confidant for accountability. Jenny takes the idea of an accountability partner one step further and sets up a 30-30-30 three step process using a friend as a mentor. The first 30 minutes of their conversation they catch up as friends and what's going on in life, the next 30 minutes they discuss her business ventures and bat around ideas for refinement, and the last 30 minutes her frentor discusses his/her current business reality and they come up with ideas together through collaboration. Their friendship is most valuable but the accountability and elevation of their professions is even more added value.

Importance of 10% Projects

Growth also occurs by spending 10% of your time on something outside of your profession or business, intentionally learning and growing. Not just growing, but building your capacity to learn and grow in a different way. This reminds me of Pure Genius, by Don Wettrick and providing students 10% of the day for genius hour. Allowing flex time throughout the day for students to Launch a Design Cycle by John Spencer & AJ Juliani . As adults this is critical to our own innovation and aptitude. We become better at our primary craft when we become better outside of our craft. In his book Great Work: How to Make a Difference People Love, David Sturt shares how stepping outside your own profession can help you discover things you never would have considered. Exponential and insightful growth from working on something on the side that will propel you forward in life.

Jenny Blake opened my eyes to see things in a new light as a Prevailing Leader. I know that in order to make the biggest possible impact that it will require my PLN, Frentors, and 10% projects. I want to push boundaries like I've never pushed before so that I can make an even bigger difference. It's the most important work I could ever do because our kids are counting on us!

Pivot is a MINDSET asking, "How can I grow within my role and double down to shift into something better". -Jenny Blake

I encourage you to listen to Jenny Blake's podcast with moderator Matt Bodnar as featured on The Science of Success Podcast.

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